Friday, July 1, 2011


Circles like a merry go round call you over
And over causing you to return to point one
Before starting the circular movement
Again. Like a circle are the waves licking
You across the sand letting you ebb
And flow. Colors swirl around your
Cranium in sweet catastrophic
Symphony. Black butterflies
Cover the inside of the port-a-potty
Door, barring your return to cold comfort.
The breeze freezes your bare butt and you
Bravely pull up your shorts and push past
The butterflies, watching as they fly off into
Circut board colors. The cold is back and you
Sit on the wet covered table releshing the
Chill on your short clad legs. Fog and vomit
Comes out of your mouth like ash from a
Volcano. Numbness on your epidermis as
It nears nine o' clock. Fire dances in front of
You as you come down from your high. Never
Again, you swear. Never will you nom on
Another nasty mushroom.

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